News — covid

9 Facts You May Not Know About CBD!

Posted by Paul Kitchener on

9 Facts You May Not Know About CBD!

CBD’s rise in popularity can be felt through the many different ways it’s consumed these days—from the common and convenient way of taking CBD capsules to mixing it with your everyday meals. The increasing widespread acceptance of CBD can be attributed in part to the growing knowledge of its health and wellness benefits. Whether it’s chronic pain relief or anxiety reduction, several studies have shown how CBD can help improve people’s health, and that has led to a more interested and educated consumer audience. However, there is still a lot to be learned about this fantastic chemical compound produced by the cannabis plant. Here...

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Could CBD be an option to treat lung inflammation in Covid survivors?

Posted by Paul Kitchener on

Could CBD be an option to treat lung inflammation in Covid survivors?

How COVID-19 Can Affect the Lungs The coronavirus infects human cells by binding onto angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors. ACE2 receptors normally help regulate blood pressure, but they become carriers for the virus to spread throughout the respiratory system. These receptors are plentiful deep in the respiratory tract, which makes COVID-19 more dangerous than other viruses like the common cold. Once the coronavirus has binded to ACE2 receptors, it takes over healthy cells in the lungs and can trigger the immune system to go into overdrive. This results in heavy coughing and shortness of breath. For people who have severe...

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